Lesson #3: The Book: The Write Way to Manage Your Stress

In this powerful 250 page book, you will learn 15 different styles of guided journaling that will help you to reduce your stress and reclaim your health, happiness and peace of mind. Filled with powerful examples, case studies and inspirational stories, this book will serve as a lifetime reference of inspiration and guidance on how to reduce your stress, overcome your negative thoughts and beliefs and rediscover a deeper sense of purpose, spirituality and meaning in life.


  • The Book: The Write Way to Manage Your Stress
    The Book: The Write Way to Manage Your Stress

    The Write Way to Manage Your Stress is a powerful 250 page book that gives you the step-by-step details you need to begin processing the stress in your life and finding the mental clarity and spiritual discernment you need to reduce your stress, restore your health and begin living the life you were meant to live. I highly recommend reading the first section on the benefits of journaling and then going to the individual techniques and printing them out one chapter at a time -- and following the step-by-step instructions by applying them to a specific stress or difficulty you are currently facing in your life.