Module #3: Practical Tools
In this module, you'll learn five very powerful tools to help you manage your stress on an ongoing basis. Three of these tools have the ability to help you calm down your physical body by turning down the intensity of your body's fight or flight response.
Two of the other tools are powerful writing tools for helping you process your emotional pain before it makes you ill, overcome your negative attitudes and beliefs and start on the path of true self-discovery and self-improvement.
You will also learn about the subtle symptoms and signs of stress and how and why they occur -- and most importantly how they wreak havoc in our lives.
Lesson #1: The Relaxation Response
This guided relaxation exercise is the foundation of all stress management. Discovered by Dr. Herbert Benson, M.D., the relaxation response is a powerful physiological response that counteracts the harmful effects of an overactive, out-of-control fight or flight response. Listen to the guided relaxation as often as you like - or whenever you need to relax. It only takes 15 minutes and the benefits to your mind, body and spirit are tremendous. You can listen online by hitting the play button on the audio player below or feel free to download the MP3 file directly to your iPhone or MP3 player.
- The Relaxation Response: A Guided Audio Exercise
Download this MP3 file to your iPhone or MP3 player so you can practice the relaxation response any time you like. If you do this exercise alone, once or twice a day, your mind, body and spirit will begin to renew themselves and experience a new-found peace of mind. TO DOWNLOAD: Right Click on the link above and then choose "save link as" to a location on your computer.